Chiropractic Education Readiness Assessment (CERA)
What Is Chiropractic Education Readiness Assessment (CERA)?
CERA is a computer-based assessment evaluating the preparedness of students entering Doctor of Chiropractic Programs (DCPs).
CERA consists of 110 questions:
Cognitive: 50 questions. This portion evaluates knowledge in basic sciences.
Non-Cognitive: 60 questions. Focuses on personal attributes.
The assessment is administered on-campus. You are allotted 90 minutes of total appointment time for CERA. You will also have the opportunity to review a tutorial, and take an end of assessment survey.
Review Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
Available March 2025.
Purpose/Benefits of CERA:
- Assess key competencies and general knowledge
- Improve student performance
- Administered on campus at no cost
Who Can Take CERA?
- If you are enrolled at an eligible chiropractic college, NBCE suggests you take CERA sometime during your first month of attendance.
- Your registrar must approve your application and confirm scheduling of your assessment appointment.
Domains (Cognitive Questions)
CERA includes topics distributed across five subject domains, with the following weightings (the percentage of the assessment devoted to each topic):
Mathematics (22%), Physics (10%), Biology (36%), Chemistry (20%), and Scientific Principles (12%).
Based on their total score, students are categorized into one of three performance levels: Below Proficiency, Proficient, or Advanced. In addition to an overall score, students and chiropractic programs will receive detailed feedback on their performance in each subject domain, expressed as a proficiency level, helping them identify strengths and areas for improvement.
Assessment Site
CERA is administered on-campus at each institution utilizing computer-based testing.
Withdrawal / Reschedule
After you apply for the assessment, any withdrawals or rescheduling requests will be directed to your institutions registrar.