Part I Reference Texts
The NBCE uses reference texts that are generally employed by the chiropractic colleges. This list of references is presented to assist you in preparing for NBCE examinations; however, study of the following references will not guarantee that you will pass NBCE examinations. Moreover, this list is not comprehensive and does not imply that references not included on this list are inappropriate or of lesser value or quality than references that are included.
General Anatomy
Dalley, A.F., Agur, Anne M.R. (2023). Clinically Oriented Anatomy (9th ed.), Philadelphia; Wolters Kluwer.
Drake, R. L., Vogl, A. W., & Mitchell, A. W. M. (2020). Gray’s Anatomy for Students (4th ed.). New York; Churchill Livingstone.
Mescher, A.L. (2021). Junqueira’s Basic Histology (16th ed.). New York; McGraw-Hill Medical
Moore, K. L., Persaud, T. V. N., Torchia, M.G., (2020). The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology (11th ed.). Philadelphia; Elsevier.
Sadler, T. W. (2024). Langman’s Medical Embryology (15th ed.). Philadelphia; Wolters Kluwer.
Standring, S. (2021). Gray’s Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice (42nd ed.). St. Louis; Elsevier.
Spinal Anatomy
Bogduk, N. (2012). Clinical and Radiological Anatomy of the Lumbar Spine (5th ed.). New York; Churchill Livingstone.
Cramer, G. D., & Darby, S. A. (2014). Clinical Anatomy of the Spine, Spinal Cord and ANS (3rd ed.). St. Louis; Mosby.
Dalley, A.F., Agur, Anne M.R. (2023). Clinically Orieneted Anatomy (9th ed.). Philadelphia; Wolters Kluwer.
Kiernan, J. A. (2014). Barr’s The Human Nervous System: An Anatomical Viewpoint (10th ed.). Philadelphia; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Mescher, A.L. (2018). Junqueira’s Basic Histology (16th ed.). New York; McGraw-Hill Medical.
Moore, K. L., & Persaud, T. V. N., Torchia, M.G., (2020). The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology (11th ed.). Philadelphia; Elsevier.
Standring, S. (2021). Gray’s Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice (42nd ed.). St. Louis; Elsevier.
Vanderah, T.W., & Gould, D.J. (2021). Nolte’s The Human Brain: An Introduction to Its Functional Anatomy (8th ed.). St. Louis; Elsevier.
Waxman, S.G. (2020). Clinical Neuroanatomy (29th ed.). New York; McGraw-Hill.
Barrett, K.E., Barman, S.M., Brooks, H. L., Yuan, J. (2019). Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology (26th ed.). New York; McGraw-Hill Medical.
Hall, J.E., (2021). Guyton & Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology (14th ed.). Philadelphia; Elsevier.
Koeppen, B.M., & Stanton, B.A. (2018). Berne & Levy Physiology (7th ed.). St. Louis; Mosby.
McArdle, W.D., Katch, F.I., & Katch, V.L. (2023). Exercise Physiology: Nutrition, Energy, and Human Performance (9th ed.). Philadelphia; Wolters Kluwer.
Abali, E.E., Cline, S.D., Franklin, D.S., Viselli, S.M. (2022). Lippincott’s Illustrated Review: Biochemistry (8th ed.). Philadelphia; Wolters Kluwer.
Raymond, J.L., & Morrow, K. (2021). Krause and Mahan’s Food and the Nutrition Care Process (15th ed.). St. Louis; Elsevier.
Nelson, D.L. & Cox, M.M. (2021). Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry (8th ed.). New York; W.H. Freeman and Company.
Nix, S. (2022). Williams’ Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy (16th ed.). St. Louis; Elsevier.
Rodwell, V.W., Bender, D.A., Botham, K.M., Kennelly, P.J., Weil, P.A., and McGuinness, O. (2023). Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry (32nd ed.). New York; McGraw-Hill.
Kumar, V., Abbas, A.K., & Aster, J. (2021). Robbins and Cotran: Pathologic Basis of Disease (10th ed.). Philadelphia; Elsevier.
Kumar, V., Abbas, A.K., & Aster, J.C., Deyrup, A.T., Das, A. (2023). Robbins & Kumar Basic Pathology (11th ed.). Philadelphia; Elsevier.
Rubin, E., & Reisner, H.M. (2019). Principles of Rubin’s Pathology (7th ed.), Philadelphia; Wolters Kluwer.
Bauman, R.W. (2018). Microbiology with Diseases by Body System (5th ed.). San Francisco; Pearson Education, Inc.
Hewlett, M.J., Bloom, D.C., & Camerini, D. (2021). Basic Virology (4th ed.). Malden; Blackwell.
Hewlett, M.J., Bloom, D.C., Joyce, E.A., Nussbaum, J., Schwartz, B. (2022). Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, A Guide to Clinical Infectious Diseases (17th ed.). New York; McGraw-Hill Medical.
Pommerville, J.C. (2022). Fundamentals of Microbiology (12th ed.). Sudbury, MA; Jones and Barlett.
Punt, J., Stranford, S., Jones, P., Owen, J. (2019). Kuby Immunology (8th ed.). New York; W.H. Freeman and Company.
Riedel, S., Morse, S.A., Mietzner, T., Miller, S. (2019). Jawetz, Melnick & Adelberg’s Medical Microbiology (28th ed.). New York; McGraw-Hill Medical.
Seaber, D.M., McKenzie, J.F., Pinger, R.R. (2022). An Introduction to Community and Public Health (10th ed.). Burlington, MA; Jones and Barlett.
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